Setting up loans
Jason Rennie
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 14:32:26 -0500
Welcome to the great world of house buying :) I bought a house just over
a year ago and have already seen it appreciate in value (we were worried
that it might go the other way!) said:
> House -> Asset Unrealized Gain -> Asset Loan -> Liability
You're close. That unrealized gain is actually income. It's an
investment gain in the same way that capital gain from stocks is an
investment gain. Here's an example scenario. House bought for $100k
with $10k cash, $90k loan. It's now appreciated to $120k.
Pre-house: $10k cash asset
Buy house: $100k house asset
$90k mortgage liability
Gain: $120k house asset
$20k gain income
$90k mortgage liability
Something complementary happens with cars. They constantly depreciate.
I take care of this by checking the blue book value of my car each year
and counting the decrease as a car expense.
Buy car: $8k car asset
1 year later: $7k car asset
$1k depreciation expense
Hope this helps.
Jason D. M. Rennie
(617) 253-5339