
Ray Salemink raysalemink at
Sat Apr 12 08:57:04 CDT 2003

If the data file has the extension, .xac, then yes I did. And as far as I 
know, it was not compressed, i'm not even sure how to do that. I tried it 
two ways, by right clicking on the file in Konquerer and moving the file to 
disc, and using a command line to "cp" the file to floppy. Both times, the 
file was there on the floppy. This floppy was formatted by Windows ME, by 
the way.

I also tried clicking "File," then "Save as" and named it with my initials. 
Then, I closed and reopened GnuCash, tried to open that file, and it said it 
couldn't read it because it needed a newer version of GnuCash.

SEcond question: THere is a long list of files that are saved in the home 
directory with .xac and .log as extensions. CAn i delete previous ones? I 
see that in the code there is a date.

What I was trying to do was install GnuCash 1.6.7, read the QIFs in, save it 
to floppy, then remove 1.6.7, and install 1.8.1, and read the saved data 
Although, I really don't have a reason for doing this. I simply am thrilled 
with 1.6.7, and really don't need the scheduler, because you have done a 
wonderful job of making hte "duplicate" button work so well. It' almost 
better than a scheduler.

THanks again for your help

Ray Salemink
raysalemink at

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