saving to floppy

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Apr 12 12:54:00 CDT 2003

"Ray Salemink" <raysalemink at> writes:

> I see that my file for the present Gnucash (1.6.7) is 1.5 MG, so it
> won't fit on the floppy.

Right, so your file was being truncated, which is why it wasn't being
read properly.

> I am still not very knowledeable with using Linux. Don't know if
> putting it on the main drive will screw up the MBR, or whatever else
> could happen. (Can you spell "yellow streak?"). I also thought about
> trying MDK 9.1's supposed ability to repartition XP's NTFS, but
> chicken again.

Sure, you can save it on the main drive, or you can create a /home
partition under Linux and not re-format it during the re-install.  You
could store it on a zip drive, or tape.  Or you can even email the
file to yourself.  There are lots of ways to back up a file...

> So I thought I had two options.
> 1) Backup the file I now have in 1.6.7 in MDK 9 to floppy. Install MDK
> 9.1, and open the file saved on flopy in 1.8.1.

Well, you can't store a 1.5MB file onto a 1.44MB floppy.  You can try
compressing the file first:

        gzip my-data-file
        mcopy my-data-file.gz a:
        mcopy a:my-data-file.gz .
        gunzip my-data-file.gz
        gnucash my-data-file

> OR 2)Install 1.6.7 from the MDK 9 CDs on MDK 9.1, open the file, save
> it, uninstall 1.6.7, and install 1.8.1 and open the file. But I don't
> know how to install a package from one version into another one.

This is unlikely to work due to dependencies.

> Sorry for the length, and I appreciate your patience.

It's ok...  What you really want is a backup system to backup your
data across the re-install.  Or, another thing you could do is
re-install WITHOUT reformatting your machine!  Install 9.0, do your
import, then _update_ to 9.1 (rather than re-installing).  This way
you wont lose your data in your home directory...

There are lots of options (at least until you convince mandrake to fix
their GnuCash package).


> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
> To: "Ray Salemink" <raysalemink at>
> CC: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Re: saving to floppy
> Date: 12 Apr 2003 10:46:26 -0400
> "Ray Salemink" <raysalemink at> writes:
>  > If the data file has the extension, .xac, then yes I did. And as far
>  > as I know, it was not compressed, i'm not even sure how to do that. I
>  > tried it two ways, by right clicking on the file in Konquerer and
>  > moving the file to disc, and using a command line to "cp" the file to
>  > floppy. Both times, the file was there on the floppy. This floppy was
>  > formatted by Windows ME, by the way.
> How large is your data file?  Also note that floppies are notoriously
> buggy and bit-rotting.
>  > I also tried clicking "File," then "Save as" and named it with my
>  > initials. Then, I closed and reopened GnuCash, tried to open that
>  > file, and it said it couldn't read it because it needed a newer
>  > version of GnuCash.
> That's VERY strange, indeed.  You do File -> Save As, select some
> file, kill gnucash, restart gnucash, try to load the newly-saved
> file and it doesn't load it properly?!?!?  Is this in 1.6 or 1.8?
>  > SEcond question: THere is a long list of files that are saved in the
>  > home directory with .xac and .log as extensions. CAn i delete previous
>  > ones? I see that in the code there is a date.
> Yep, you can delete any .log file and any backup .xac file.  Indeed,
> gnucash-1.8 will auto-delete the backup files after 30 days (you can
> set this to a shorter date if you wish).
>  > What I was trying to do was install GnuCash 1.6.7, read the QIFs in,
>  > save it to floppy, then remove 1.6.7, and install 1.8.1, and read the
>  > saved data file.
> Sure, but why do you need to save to a floppy to do this?  Just
> replace gnucash and all will be happy.
>  > Although, I really don't have a reason for doing this. I simply am
>  > thrilled with 1.6.7, and really don't need the scheduler, because you
>  > have done a wonderful job of making hte "duplicate" button work so
>  > well. It' almost better than a scheduler.
> Gnucash 1.8 has a LOT of bugs fixed, and you wont get any support from
> the developers if you run into a problem on 1.6.  That alone should be
> a reason to upgrade.
>  > THanks again for your help
>  >
>  >
>  > Ray Salemink
>  > raysalemink at
> -derek
> --
>         Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
>         Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
>         URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
>         warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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