
Graeme Nichols gnichols at
Mon Apr 14 15:31:10 CDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 14:20, Bill Wohler wrote:
> Graeme Nichols <gnichols at> writes:
> > I am a very contented user of gnucash 1.8. The scheduled transactions
> > work very well but there is no reminder function for bills as they draw
> > near to payment date.
> But there is! Go into Actions -> Scheduled Transactions -> Scheduled
> Transaction Editor. Double-click on one of your transactions. In the
> window that appears, there is an area called Options. Sounds like you
> want to check the box that says "Remind me X days in advance."
Thank you very much Bill. I must not have explained well enough. What I
am doing at the moment gives me my due bills without running gnucash.
What you have reminded me of, which I must admit I do not use, gives me
the bills only when I run gnucash and once I am in gnucash I can see at
a glance all my bills etc.

If you can help me with how to cat my file as soon as Gnome starts
without me starting a virtual terminal I would appreciate it.



Kind regards,


"Your arguments are very well and are theoretically sound, but if ever
payment of members comes into force, it will result in Parliament being
flooded with men of mediocre ability and may eventually open the doors
to a regime of terrorism and corruption."

Sir Henry Parkes in reply to Jacob Garrard, member for Balmain, on the
subject of payment to members of Parliament. 1880.
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