
Robert Uhl ruhl at
Mon Apr 14 12:34:50 CDT 2003

Derek Atkins <warlord at> writes:
> Maybe.  I'm not convinced it's worth _OUR_ time to work on it.

It might be worth y'all's time to work on a lightweight scriptable
interface, so that others could work on it and other things, perhaps?
That way I might someday get around to writing a command-line interface,
which would be a dozen kinds of sweet.

> Why not just start gnucash when you login?  It's not that much
> overhead--so it adds 10 seconds to your login time--so what?

Well, to me gnucash's startup overhead is unacceptable.  Emacs starts
instantaneously and is ready to use about 1-2 seconds later.  Gnucash
doesn't even show a window for about a dozen seconds, and isn't usable
for 18 seconds from start (36 seconds if it's not in cache).  It's
gotten progressively worse over the years I've been using it, while my
hardware has been getting progressively better.

Once in it, it's alright--but it's the slowest-starting app on my host,
slower even than mozilla and nautilus.  I love it, and recommend it to
my friends, but I'm under no delusions regarding its speed.  It'd be
nice were it possible (and documented) to write little scripts that
could run simple queries without incurring the start-up penalties of the
full program.

This on an Athlon 1500 with 2,299 BogoMIPS running gnucash 1.6.5 (I've
not yet upgraded to 1.8 for various reasons); possibly 1.8 is a
speed-demon, but prior experience (I've been using gnucash since '98 or
'99) suggests not.

> I don't know--I've never tried.  I know you could do this for the
> business bills (indeed, this is what it currently does at session
> startup), but I don't know if the scheme hooks exist for scheduled
> transactions.

Are there any docs on using the Scheme interface from outside of
gnucash?  Last time I looked I couldn't find any, but that doesn't mean
that they don't exist.  Possibly this is included in 1.8?  I've been
looking for a reason to battle dependency hell and upgrade...

Robert Uhl <ruhl at>
You know that times are strange when the best rapper in the world is
white, the best golfer in the world is black, the America's cup is held
by landlocked Switzerland, the French are accusing the Americans of
arrogance and Germany is steadfstly refusing to go to war.

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