OFX import dates wrong

Rob Brown-Bayliss rob at zoism.org
Tue Apr 15 13:43:06 CDT 2003

> LOL!  Unfortunately I don't have an answer, but you're not the only one 
> wondering how to do this... I never could figure out why writing the 
> date as mm/dd/yyyy made sense.  Or even worse, mm/dd/yy, now that we're 
> into the 21st century...

It was sorted, I ran the redhat-config-language app, which is just a
fancy gui for setting the language used by t he system to mine (NZ)
rather than the default US (which is my fault as I should have done this
when I installed rh8)

And then in gnucash set the date format to locale...

But yes, who in their right mind would have thought the month is a more
important distinguisher than the day of the month?  It's kind of like
maths isn't it, imagine if "5.1 units of X" meant "one and a half units
of X"

It's just bizarre...


*  Rob Brown-Bayliss
*  =================	
*      zoism.org

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