
Robert Uhl ruhl at
Wed Apr 16 11:15:29 CDT 2003

Derek Atkins <warlord at> writes:
> Most of the scripting capability is already there...  UTSL.

Ah, I'm afraid I've never had much luck with the gnucash source.  I've
played with it more than once, and I'm afraid I never quite grokked it.
Probably due to not being a very good programmer:-(

> Well, one change made in 1.8 is that the splash screen shows up MUCH
> sooner.

I'd rather not have a splash screen, and have the app usable
immediately...  It's a pity that it couldn't delay loading more things,
so that at least the register popped up quickly.

> The last wave of gnucash developers did us a disservice in their
> modularization efforts, because now everything is run through the
> guile interpreter.  IMHO this slows it down considerably.

Well, you know that there are two schools of thought on that: one argues
for more maintainable if slower code; the other for faster but less
maintainable code.  The first points out that computers always get
faster; the second points out that they're never quite fast enough.

> But nobody has performed a profiling analysis to work on performance.
> Care to volunteer?

Actually, I'd love to.  I'm not certain that I'd be of much use,
though.  My own talents are pretty meagre, as anyone who's been
following my own project (travlib/travtrack) knows...

> > that they don't exist.  Possibly this is included in 1.8?  I've been
> > looking for a reason to battle dependency hell and upgrade...
> Uhh... I'm not sure what dependency hell you mean.  If you can compile
> 1.6, then you have all the dependencies (modulo an upgrade to g-wrap)
> to compile 1.8.  Also, binaries are generally available for many OSes.
> You have very little excuse for not running 1.8, IMHO.

The last time I upgraded, it was when one was encouraged to wait on
one's distribution to package it for one.  I didn't mind downloading
umpteen libraries then, but I've gotten lazier now.

Well, you've inspired me to set forth and do it.  We'll see what

Robert Uhl <ruhl at>
Familiarity doesn't breed contempt; familiarity _is_ contempt.  --Florence King

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