1.8.4 Crash while importing qif

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Aug 2 15:19:38 CDT 2003

When I try to load this file on 1.8-CVS (what will become 1.8.5
in two weeks), it does not crash, but it does pop up an error

QIF file parse failed:
Data for number or date does not match a known format.

And indeed, looking at the QIF file I see a date that looks like:

DYou can

which is not a valid date format.  I don't know why it's crashing on
1.8.4, but clearly that problem has been fixed.


Rick Ziegler <rick at zieglernet.org> writes:

> I received this backtrace importing a qif from Manulife.  qif is
> attached.  Gnucash version 1.8.4 provided by Bill Notting.
> Backtrace:
> In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-file.scm:
>  551:  3* [check-and-parse-field #<procedure qif-xtn:date #> ...]
>  641:  4  (let (# # #) (if # #) (cond # # #) ...)
>  646:  5* (if (not (null? objects)) (letrec (#) (loop # #)))
>  647:  6  (letrec ((loop (lambda # # #))) (loop (car objects) (cdr
> objects)))
>     ...
>  657:  7  [loop # #]
>  649:  8* (let ((val #)) (if val (begin # #)))
>  650:  9  (if val (begin (set! do-parsing #t) (set! formats (checker val
> formats))))
>     ...
>  653: 10  (set! formats (checker val formats))
>  653: 11* [qif-parse:check-date-format 04/15/2003 #f]
> In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-parse.scm:
>  393: 12  (let ((retval #f)) (if (or # #) (set! retval
> possible-formats)) ...)
>  397: 13* (let ((match #)) (if match (if # # #)))
>  398: 14  (if match (if (match:substring match 1) (set! retval #) (let*
> # # # ...)))
>     ...
>  400: 15  (set! retval (parse-check-date-format match possible-formats))
>  400: 16* [parse-check-date-format #("04/15/2003" (0 . 10) (0 . 2) ...)
> #f]
>  313: 17  (let (# # #) (set! numeric-date-parts #) (let # # # ...) ...)
>  332: 18* (let (# # # # ...) (if # #) (if # #) ...)
>  350: 19* (if (or # #) (begin # #))
>  351: 20  (begin (set! possibilities #) (set! possibilities #))
>  352: 21* (set! possibilities (delq (quote d-m-y) possibilities))
>  352: 22* [delq d-m-y #f]
> /usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-parse.scm:352:33: In procedure
> list-copy in expression (delq (quote d-m-y) possibilities):
> /usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-parse.scm:352:33: Wrong type
> argument in position 1: #f
> Attached is the qif.
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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