Question to european gnucash users

Jon Lapham lapham at
Tue Aug 5 15:59:22 CDT 2003

Fredrik Persson wrote:
> Forgive me if this question only applies to scandinavians, or maybe only 
> swedes, even. It's about checks, or rather the lack of them.
> Is there any point at all in the reconcile concept, when we don't use checks 
> at all? (The americans seems obsessed with those!)

You can put Brazilians on the same list.  We have the same obsession 
here.  Checks, checks, checks, checks, lovely checks.  Its all I think 
about!  :)

> I use cash or a VISA card. My salary is directly deposited into my bank 
> account. I never write checks, I never recieve checks. What is the point of 
> reconciling?

I'm not sure what reconciliation has to do specifically with checks... 
you reconcile to your bank statement (or Visa bill), for whatever 
transactions done in the preceeding period.  *One* possible transaction 
to reconcile would be cleared checks, but you can also do this for your 
electronic deposits, ATM withdrawals, Visa charges, etc, etc.

The whole idea of the reconciliation is to make sure that what you think 
happened, is the same as what your bank thinks happened.


  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA

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