Paying bills

Jack McKinney jackmc-gnucash at
Fri Aug 8 11:11:05 CDT 2003

Big Brother tells me that Derek Atkins wrote:
> Note that this is a way to do AP without using the existing
> AR/AP systems.  Also note that the business AR/AP reports
> wont work if you do it this way.

    I am not familiar with the built-in GnuCash AR/AP system.  I just
converted to GnuCash from my homebrew system and I pretty much just
implemented my books in GnuCash the way I did in my system.  I need to
someday figure out how to use the rest of GnuCash... 8-)

"Of course its your fault. Everything that goes wrong  Jack McKinney
here is your fault. It says so in your contract."      jackmc at
         -Quark to his brother Rom, DS9      
1024D/12C23A80 4096g/CA714907
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