Getting stock price updates.

David Hampton hampton at
Fri Aug 8 18:59:03 CDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 09:00, Ian Dall wrote:
> albeit with a warning message to stderr about an
> uninitialized variable. Also if I change asx to australia it works fine.

That's a bug in Finance::Quote.  You can report it to
finance-quote-devel at or file a bug on sourceforge.

> But I see no way to tell gnucash to actually update the price. Is this
> supposed to be automatic or what?

Assuming that you set up the price quote information in the edit account
window, you should be able to go to Tools->Price Editor and click on
'Get Quotes' button.  You could also run gnucash from the command line
with the --add-price-quotes argument.


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