I'll volunteer to help...

Robert Uhl ruhl at 4dv.net
Fri Aug 15 22:58:31 CDT 2003

Bill Wohler <wohler at newt.com> writes:
> 	0 16 * * 5      gnucash --add-price-quotes $HOME/gnucash.xac > /dev/null 2>&1
> I've lodged a bug report about suppressing any output with this
> command, as well as suppressing gratuitous stderr output--the
> redirection of stdout and stderr to /dev/null shouldn't be necessary
> here.  The funny thing is I just browsed my bugs at bugzilla and
> didn't see this, and I see it still isn't fixed in 1.8.4.

Possibly because it's not really a bug?  Run interactively (as I just
ran it), it's useful to know which stocks are being looked up where--and
of course error output is never gratuitous.  Run from cron, it's simple
enough to send stdout & stderr to /dev/null (although smarter to send
stdout only--cron will send a mail with stderr if there's an error,
which lets one know that something's up).

Robert Uhl <ruhl at 4dv.net>
In today's climate, you can get promoted for saving $10 million, even
if you are building a skyscraper and that money was for the foundation.
                                             --Charles Shannon Hendrix

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