Some questions

Coume coume.mailinglists at
Mon Aug 18 12:21:51 CDT 2003


I have been using GNUcash since I installed linux on my laptop and I'm very happy with it, that's a great tool!

But there are some stuff that I did not find how to do tham... And I don't know, if it's possible to do them in fact...

If I choose default currency EUR, then asa I have accounts in other country, I will have for instance GBP write in front of the amount of the other currency.
But is it possible to have write EUR all the time, even if it's the default currency??
The only trick I saw, would be to define default currency as let's say USD and then I would have EUR and GBP write all the time. But it's a bit a dirty solution, any other way??

And is it possible to close an accoutn but in keeping it available in the gnucash? I mean like the way we can close accounts in MS-Money (if someone already used it)

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