Web page correction

Thiers Botelho thiers at fosfertil-ultrafertil.com.br
Mon Aug 18 12:44:34 CDT 2003

Well, maybe the _retail_ is there 'cuz he misses the non-open source model 
. . .


Thiers Botelho

Jon Lapham <lapham at extracta.com.br>
18/08/2003 11:48

        Para:   Thiers Botelho <thiers at fosfertil-ultrafertil.com.br>
        cc:     gnucash-user at lists.gnucash.org
        Assunto:        Re: Web page correction

Thiers Botelho wrote:
>         . . .You may also want to retail a local copy of the old 
> documentation . . .
> Maybe you intended to say - 
>         . . . to retain  . . .


Chris, I tried to fix this, but the file is not group writable.  Sorry, 
you are the only one that can change it.


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