Network changeover is starting

Olaf Faaland ofaaland at
Wed Aug 13 08:08:42 CDT 2003

Looks to me like the web site is down.  Can someone else confirm they see the 
same thing?

Also, I upgraded my PC and wiped out my preferences, and I don't remember the 
IRC server #gnucash is on.  Can someone tell me?


On Tuesday 12 August 2003 09:05 pm, Linas Vepstas wrote:
> The new network for was installed today, and
> network traffic will start being moved to it over the next
> few days.  There shouldn't be any outages, and things
> should just continue to work.  If things seem broken
> for more than a few hours, its possible/probable that
> I don't know its broken, so please get one of the developers
> to phone me.
> --linas
> p.s. for the next few days, we'll have gobs of bandwidth,
> as both the old and the new lines will run in parallel.
> So enjoy it while it lasts...

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