Budgeting - Let's decide what we want!

Justin Kelly jkelly at bkrrosenbergs.com
Fri Aug 29 12:03:33 CDT 2003


Great proposal, but personally i think it would be much easier just to
have a feature that gives you an option to put a monthly budget figure
in for each expense/income account in the chart if accounts and allow
you to classify accounts into different groups(like your proposal
(required, living, fun, etc..)), and have a simple report of actual
total of the classified expense accounts versus budget. Personally i
find the idea of virtual accounts a bit unnecessary.

Just my 2c

Justin Kelly

-----Original Message-----
From: Stewart V. Wright [mailto:svwright+lists at amtp.liv.ac.uk]
Sent: Friday, 29 August 2003 1:22 AM
To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
Subject: Re: Budgeting - Let's decide what we want!

Hi All,

Me again!

Here is my contribution to the (hopeful) budgeting debate...

(It is a txt version of a LaTeX document that I wrote.  Sorry about
the sometimes dodgy line breaks...)


Budgeting in GnuCash


A discussion of a potential way of implementing 
budgeting in GnuCash is presented. This document is 
intended as an aid to stimulate discussion and clarify 
the GnuCash userbase's wants.

1 Introduction

There are at least two types of budgeting that GnuCash 
users would undoubtedly like to see: Personal and Business.

I cannot offer a clear insight for business budgeting 
requirements, as each business is different and I've 
been out of the game for a few years now.

However I know what I would like to see in a personal 
budget and this is what I will be presenting. This is 
in fact the sort of thing I did with my business, so it 
might be usable for others too.

2 Budgeting in Practice

Budgeting is not as simple as transferring cash from a 
bank account into a number of other accounts and then 
making transactions from them. It is as simple as 
having "virtual" accounts and then pretending that the 
transactions occurred in one of these, whilst knowing 
in actuality that the transactions are made in a few 
real accounts. People might call the "virtual" accounts 
something different, envelopes, cookie jars, or the 
like but it doesn't change the concept. This is how I 
budget, and I expect how most people do it. However let 
me make it clear by giving an example.

2.1 An Example

John is a single guy, who has a net income of $24,000. 
He sits down and fills in all his financial inflows and 
outflows in GnuCash for three months to get an idea of 
what he is spending his money on.

John decided to group the various of his expenses into 
broader categories to make budgeting easier. His broad 
categories are called Required, Living, Fun and 
Savings. The Required category includes things like 
Rent Payments, House and Medical Insurance. Living are 
his everyday expenses on groceries, laundry costs and 
the like. Fun is not surprisingly are the categories 
that are required to keep him sane, but aren't strictly 
necessary costs, like taking his girlfriend out for 
dinner, going to the pub and that occasional copy of 
Sports Illustrated.

After looking at his Cash Flow report for the last 
three months, John decides that the correct 
distribution of his income should be:

  Required    50%  
  Living      20%  
  Fun         20%  
  Savings     10%  

This leaves a little extra about his predicted expenses 
in the first three categories, but that is just 
prudent... When John's next paycheck comes along he 
transfers, on paper, the appropriate percentages into 
these virtual categories/accounts.

Further transactions are entered in GnuCash in their 
appropriate accounts. John also records the 
transactions as income/expenses in the virtual 
accounts. Thus he knows exactly how much he has to 
spend on expensive gifts for his girlfriend at any one 
time by looking at the balance of the Fun (virtual) account.

2.2 The Problem

The problem with this sort of budgeting is that 
currently it is not possible to implement this virtual 
division of income in a simple manner that also allows 
the easy reconciling of bank statements that (in my 
opinion) is a great aspect of GnuCash.

I do however have a suggested method of implementing 
such a system which I believe will add to the strengths 
of GnuCash without changing the behaviour for anyone 
who doesn't wish to work in this manner. This is an 
important requirement of any budgeting extension to 
GnuCash. Those who don't want to budget in GC shouldn't
have to do anything differently to the way they do now.

3 Budgeting in GnuCash

This section suggests a slight extension to the account 
structure of GnuCash to allow the budgeting approach of 2.1
 without modifying the current behaviour for most users.

3.1 Virtual Accounts

Budgeting is often achieved by the use of an imaginary 
division of income and expenses into user defined 
categories. Keeping with the terminology of GnuCash 
these imaginary categories will be known as Virtual 
Accounts (VAs).

In summary VAs are a imaginary asset/liability/expense 
source that are used to divide income and expenses as 
defined by the user. The major difference from regular 
Accounts is that a leaf VA will mirror all expenses to 
the first (real) Account that sits above it. VAs will 
not contribute to the calculation of assets, 
liabilities or expenses of the Accounts under which 
they are leaves.

In addition to entries in a VA leaf of an Account each 
entry will be listed in a parent VA for each category.

Once again an example might be of assistance.

3.1.1 VA example

Using the example described in 2.1 a simplified account 
tree might look something like

| Assets

|  \hookrightarrow  |  Current Assets

|                       \hookrightarrow  |  Bank Account

|                                            \hookrightarrow   | (V)
|                                            \hookrightarrow   | (V) Fun

|                       \hookrightarrow  |  Cash in Wallet

|                                            \hookrightarrow   | (V)
|                                            \hookrightarrow   | (V) Fun

|  \hookrightarrow  |  (V) Living

|  \hookrightarrow  |  (V) Fun


| Expenses

|  \hookrightarrow  |  Entertainment

|                       \hookrightarrow   | Music/Movies

|                                            \hookrightarrow   | (V) Fun

|  \hookrightarrow  |  Rent

|                       \hookrightarrow   | House

|                                            \hookrightarrow   | (V)

where the virtual accounts are denoted by the '(V)'."

For example John buys a round of drinks at the pub 
costing $10 and puts it in his Fun VA. If the round was 
bought with cash from John's wallet the transactions 
would look like the following. Firstly there would be 
the entry in his Expenses:Entertainment:Pub account:

|     Date  | Description       | Transfer        | Expense  | Rebate  |
Balance |
| 18/08/03  | Round at the pub  | A:CA:W:(V) Fun  |   10.00  |         |

where I have simplified the account structure as A:CA:W 
representing Assets:Current Assets:Cash in Wallet. This 
would obviously have a corresponding entry in the 
Assets:Current Assets:Cash in Wallet:(V) Fun account

|     Date  | Description       | Transfer  | Deposit  | Withdrawal  |
Balance |
| 18/08/03  | Round at the pub  | E:E:Pub   |          |      10.00  |

This is all entirely consistent with the current 
structure of GnuCash. The difference is in the fact 
that there are two other locations where this 
transaction would appear. Firstly it would be listed in 
Assets:Current Assets:Cash in Wallet, the branch 
account of which Assets:Current Assets:Cash in 
Wallet:(V) Fun is a leaf.

|     Date  | Description       | Transfer  | Deposit  | Withdrawal  |
Balance |
| 18/08/03  | Round at the pub  | E:E:Pub   |          |      10.00  |

The central difference with this transaction is that it 
would be a copy of the transaction in A:CA:W:(V) Fun 
and all the transactions in the VA leaves would be 
mirrored like this. The second location that the "Round 
at the pub" transaction would appear is the trunk (V) 
Fun account. All transactions in the VAs lying under 
any of the Assets or Liabilities accounts linked with 
Fun would appear in this account. Thus at a glance the 
total value of the VA Fun would be clear, much as it is 
with Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses currently.

Transfers of money into VAs would work in exactly the 
same way, but as the transfer from the Assets account 
is to a VA there would be no effective change in the 
balance of the accounts. For example if John transfered 
$500 into his Fun VA from his savings account the 
transaction would look something like:

|     Date  | Description  | Transfer      | Deposit  | Withdrawal  |
Balance |
| 12/08/03  | Salary       | I:Salary      | 1000.00  |             |
1243.45 |
| 18/08/03  | Budgeting    |               |          |             |
|                          | (V) Required  |  500.00  |             |
|                          | (V) Living    |  200.00  |             |
|                          | (V) Fun       |  200.00  |             |
|                          | (V) Savings   |  100.00  |             |
1243.45 |
| 21/08/03  | Groceries    | E:Groceries   |          |      24.00  |
1219.45 |

Thus no change in the balance of the savings account 
would occur when a transaction was made to or from a VA.

3.2 Limitations

This approach is neither complete or without holes in 
the logic. Two that spring to mind I will address 
briefly here

3.2.1 Account totals in leaf VAs

The most obvious flaw that would come to light when 
using an approach like the one described above in 
GnuCash is a result of the Double Entry accounting. It 
is probably best described (again) by an example. I go 
to the bank and withdraw $100 to put in my wallet. 
Currently this sort of transaction is simple in 
GnuCash. However with VAs would I need to specify how 
much of the $100 in my wallet is to be used for Fun 
expenses, and how much for Living costs? If I didn't 
transfer money into these VAs I would constantly be in 
the red in the leaf accounts of my A:C:Wallet account.

I don't have a perfect solution to this. My current 
thinking is that the VA leaves would always be in the 
red as the transfer of cash into the VAs would be into 
the trunk accounts --- all transactions, both expenses 
and liabilities would appear there so it is the branch 
accounts that would show your financial position, not 
the leaf accounts. Undoubtedly this solution would make 
some people feel uncomfortable, so perhaps a judicious 
transfer at the end of the pay period to balance the 
VAs is an alternative.

3.2.2 Automation, Druids and Future Expenses

An email from Phil Longstaff (see the gnucash-devel 
mail archive) made me question whether this approach 
answers all the budgeting requirements. Phil pointed 
out that there are at least two parts to budgeting:

1. Tools to produce a budget - forecasting, GUI to set 
  up budget

2. Tools to monitor a budget - budget vs actual reports

I think the current proposal answers some of the 
problems of the second point, but as to the first???

Both Phil and I have a need for a month-by-month 
budget. As he points out there are other people who 
have mentioned a need/desire for longer budgets 
possibly for an 18 month project. Perhaps one of these 
people can offer some insights for how to implement 
such a budget.

4 Resources

The resources that might come in useful for this 
discussion are

  GnuCash The GNU way to manage your money! [http://www.gnucash.org/]

  gnucash-users The GnuCash users mailing list:

  gnucash-devel The GnuCash users mailing list:

  The Motley Fool Living Life Below Your Means:
  What Does It Take To Invest Like a Fool?

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