Building 1.8 on SuSE 8.1

Marcel Felgentraeger marcel.felgentraeger at
Tue Feb 11 19:11:00 CST 2003


I have problems compiling Gnucash 1.8 on my SuSE 8.1 system. I have
already managed to compile it on 8.0, also I got problems with the
libguppi. On 8.0 as well as on 8.1 configure was not able to find
libguppi, although it is installed
(/opt/gnome/include/gnome-1.0/libguppi). I finally managed to compile
with the --disable-libguppi test on 8.0. After starting gnucash it
crashed when I tried to open a chart. Guess thats due to the fact, that
libguppi was not found?
After successfully installing it on my old system I tried the same on
8.1, but configure aborted because libpopt could not be found. I checked
all the dependencies, but could not find the one that provides this
library. Can anybody help me?

Last but not least I wanted to thank the gnucash team. I have been using
it for over two years and now that scheduled transactions are supported
all my wishes have come true :) Keep up the good work.

Nice day and thanks for any suggestions.

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