import help please

Glenn English ghe at
Sat Feb 15 13:45:29 CST 2003

I need some help importing Quicken 2002 data from a Mac into Gnucash
1.8.1 on RH8. 

When the entire file is exported, the import gets 13% into it and finds
an error. According to vi, 13% into the file is somewhere in the
transactions. The error dialog box can be closed, but not the progress
box. I have to log out (or kill) X to quit Gnucash. The same thing
happens with Mac, DOS, or Unix line endings.

I tried exporting just the accounts and just the categories. No error is
detected, but nothing is imported - looking at the GC file with a text
editor confirms this.

Since nothing is happening, I don't know what to try next. Any

Glenn English
ghe at

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