puzzling over the balance sheet.
Charles M. Gajan
06 Jan 2003 12:19:28 -0500
Hi. I am using Version 1.6.6 on Red Hat 7.3. I had the same problem,
and posted a while ago looking for ways to efficiently research the
problem. On my own I narrowed my balance problem down to two dates by
running the balance sheet for different, ever narrowing date ranges.
One date was .08 USD on a mutual fund transaction. There are evidently
rounding errors, but the number of shares and dollar amount balance
exactly to the statements (verified over the course of the entire year
in both directions). I got over that one emotionally (a little anal,eh)
and moved on to the several thousand dollar discrepancy. Like you I
never figured out the cause. Every transaction is in balance. I
verifies this visually, as well as running the "check & repair"
function. Since I just opened a new file for 2003, I am going to watch
the balance sheet more closely to see if it occurs again.
I checked the ending amounts in every account with the statements from
my various financial institutions and all was well. The balance sheet
is just out of balance beginning on that day. I usually attribute all
software related issues I have to operator error, but this one has me
P.S. Kudos to the developers.
On Sat, 2003-01-04 at 00:16, Paul Pantages wrote:
> hi gnucashers,
> Since I finally have 1.6.6-7 going on RH8, I went back to a problem that
> has nagged me for some time.
> My balance sheet does not add up. I.e., A != L+E
> I tried to find out what the problem was by rolling the report back (in
> time) until I found the date where the first discrepancy occurred. This
> was 12/30/95, where an error of a few hundred dollars appears. I thought
> it would be easy to track down by just looking at all transactions on
> 12/29 and 12/30, but all the transactions look ok (they are balanced).I
> am using the transaction report to find these.
> I read some time ago (in the list, I think) not to use "nearest in time"
> for prices, so I am using weighted average for the price source.
> I do have mutual fund purchases (in 401K) for 12/30, but similar
> transactions were also made regularly, prior to 12/30, without causing
> any problems. I do not have prices in the price editor for 12/30 that
> might conflict with the actual purchase price. (In fact I have deleted
> the securities from the list as I no longer own these funds).
> What I find odd is: I had at one point installed 1.7.6-1 (I subsequently
> re-installed RH8 so I am now at and I poked around at the
> balance sheet a bit. I found that the 12/30/1995 balance sheet was OK,
> but errors still appeared at later dates.
> The fact that the two versions of GC give different reports for the same
> data makes me think it may not be a data error after all.
> I have no real clue on this one. :(. Has anyone seen & fixed similar
> problems with the balance sheet report?
> I am going to try an re-introduce the deleted securities & fetch prices
> for them, but I am not confident this will help.
> PdP
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