suggestions for setting up accounts for money in trust
jeff covey
jeff covey <>
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 23:23:14 -0500
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howdy, all!
i'm trying gnucash for the first time after years of using cbb. i
liked the druid which set up the batch of default accounts. that took
care of most of my initial configuration, but i need suggestions on
how to handle this situation:
part of the money in my bank account doesn't actually belong to me,
but to a couple of groups i'm involved with. they aren't big enough
to require their own bank accounts, but do have expenses that need to
be met, so people give me money, and i keep it in my personal checking
account and pay bills to web hosting companies, etc. how should i
handle these accounts-within-an-account? i don't want them showing up
on my income and expenses figures, because that money has nothing to
do with me and will distort my view of my personal finances. how
would you set this up?
| jeff covey 410-869-808=
8 |
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