Reconciling weekly or monthly

David Hampton hampton at
Thu Jan 23 08:24:52 CST 2003

On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 04:41, Wolfgang Balster wrote:
> I do my reconciling mostly on a monthly basis. Then the gnucash default of 
> reconciling every month works for me. But I also get bank statements on a 
> weekly basis. Is there a place, where I can change the default?

In gnucash 1.6, no. Gnucash 1.7 tries to be intelligent and remembers
whatever reconciliation interval you used the previous time, and then
supplies that interval as a default.  This is remembered on a
per-account basis.  This means that you can have one account with a
default reconciliation interval of a week, and every other account can
have a default interval of a month.


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