UK company VAT account structure, updated
Vincent V
vincentv at
Mon Jul 21 12:44:24 CDT 2003
This is an updated strucure for UK VAT accounts taking into account the feedback that I have
recieved and the omissions and lack of clarity that I spotted. I believe it provides all the
information required but I am not a VAT or Tax expert so treat it with caution and check that meets
your needs.
Account types (only shown if different to parent type)
[E] Expence
[I] Income
[A] Asset
[L] Liability
[Q] Equity
[B] Bank accounts
[C] Credit Cards
[R] Accouns Receivable
[P] Accouns Payable
(Box n) refers to VAT form box number (I actually have these as
descriptions to the account to remind me)
Add all the (Box n -part) together to get the whole (Box n)
The VAT shows you liability - if its negative they owe you.
Capital Equipment (Box 7 - part) and (Box 6 - part) is the value of all *additions* (purcahses) made
over the VAT return period - not the absolute value, nor the difference in value unless that
difference is wholey due to new purchases. Depreciation, losses (e.g a write off of faultly item)
and other reductions in capital value are not included. If you sell a capital item then that sale
and its VAT is recorded under Income. The asset is 'converted to cash', so the 'net of VAT' increase
in your bank account, when the invoice is payed, is matched by a decrease in capital.
Bank Accounts [B]
|___ Main Account
|___ Reserve Account
Cash [A]
Assets [A]
|___ Capital Equipment (Box 7 - Part) - additions only, not absolute value
| |___ Computers Can be depreiciated to zero this year
| |___ EEC reverse VAT purchase (Box 6 - Part) create subaccounts if needed
|___ Other
Recievable [R] Customers to whom you give credit - (business section)
Cards [C]
|___ Card 1
Liabilities [L]
|___ Owed Corp Tax
|___ Owed Fees
|___ Owed Tax / NI
|___ Other
VAT [L] Net (Box 5)
|___ i/p [A] purchases (Box4)
|___ o/p [L] (Box3)
|___EEC on reverse VAT purchases (Box 2)
|___Sales all including zero rate UK/ EEC and World (Box1)
Payable [P] Suppliers who give you credit (business section)
Equity [Q]
|___ Corp Tax
|___ Director's Loan
|___ Dividends
| |___ Director1
| |___ Director2
| |___ Shareholder 1
|___ Grants (and stuff that does not count as income)
|___Opening Balances
Income [I] (Box 6 - part)
|___ Interest
|___ Misc
| ___ Sales
|___ EEC
| |____ goods (Box 8) (sub accounts as needed)
| |____ services includes software (sub accounts as needed)
| ___ UK
|____ World
Expences [E]
|__ Emoluments
| |___ Directors Fees
| |___ NI Employer
| |___ Employee 1
| |___NI
| |___Net Salary
| |___Stakeholder
| |___Tax
|___ Other Non VAT Expences
|___ VAT Purchases (Box 7 - part)
|___ Accountancy
|___ Bank Charges
|___ Consumables
|___ EEC reverse VAT purchases (Box 6 - Part)
| |___ goods (Box 9) (sub accounts as needed)
| |___ services includes software (sub accounts as needed)
|___ Office
|___ Phone and Internet
|___ Software
|___ Subscriptions
|___ Sundry
|___ Travel / Accom
Vince Valvona
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