1.8.2: CRITICAL errors and Warnings

Randall Hopper listaddr at charter.net
Wed Jun 4 21:32:09 CDT 2003

Derek Atkins:
 |>  |> > grep 'gnc:transaction version' gnucash.dat | wc -l
 |>  |>    1919
 |>  |
 |>  |Hmm, might take a while to find those, then, without modifying the
 |>  |source.
 |>  |
 |>  |> Ok, from looking at the XML of gnucash.dat, how do I tell which
 |>  |> transactions have an associated currency and which don't.  It's not
 |>  |> apparent from just looking at the file.
 |>  |
 |>  |You'll want to find a <gnc:transaction> that does not have a
 |>  |<trn:currency>
 |> The string trn:currency doesn't even occur in my gnucash.dot (saved by
 |> GNUCash v1.6.5).
 |I have no clue.  I haven't used 1.6 is years.  Are you willing to
 |send your data file?

I'd rather not send the whole data file since it's got all my finances ;-)
But here's one of the transactions.  As you can see -- no trn:currency.

<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
  <trn:id type="guid">18870d279f9b38170bbfeba8de5175ff</trn:id>
    <ts:date>2003-04-11 00:00:00 -0400</ts:date>
    <ts:date>2003-05-02 19:23:26 -0400</ts:date>
      <slot:value type="string">Some Old Movie</slot:value>
      <split:id type="guid">8c00f68c5a3c8b4abbda344dd524a835</split:id>
      <split:account type="guid">81ff08ecdf0cdac2465881b33d2b8e27</split:account

 |> If I need these for 1.8.2, how do I get them?  Is there a conversion
 |> program?
 |GnuCash is supposed to just read it in.  No conversion should be
 |necessary, but it's possible that there is a problem with your data
 |file that 1.8 cares about but 1.6 didn't.

Right, or the GnuCash importer just has a bug related to importing older
files.  1.6.x has been happy with it for over a year.



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