Setting initial resolution
Conrad Canterford
conrad at
Tue Mar 4 00:36:05 CST 2003
On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 06:03, Steven A.McIntosh wrote:
> Just installed 1.8.1 to a debian 3.0r0 laptop with a max resolution of
> 800x600.
> Is there any way of forcing gnucash to limit the size of the ledger windows
> so that I can see the entire account without sliding the bar at the bottom.
> Or reducing the font sizes so that everything fits.
I was just about to answer this with a "no", but I'm not quite as
convinced that there isn't some way to change the font as I was about 2
minutes ago. I'm afraid its too late for me to experiment with it
There is no way to force gnucash to particular window sizes
unfortunately, and as we try to fit more on the screen, the tendency is
for the windows to slowly get bigger (after all, I'm reasonably
confident that none of the developers are still using an 800x600 screen
This may be a possibility to be addressed as part of the conversion to
Gnome2, however. Could you please raise an "enhancement" priority bug
against GnuCash on so that it doesn't get forgotten.
Conrad Canterford (conrad at
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