Not able to update stock prices online

David Hampton hampton at
Sun May 18 18:29:54 CDT 2003

On Sat, 2003-05-17 at 15:55, Brad McNeely wrote:
> 1. Create a stock account for the item I want to track and check the box for online quotes and selected Motley Fool and Usa/New_York as the source and region.
> 2. Created an entry in the Commodity Editor.
> 3. Created an entry in the Price Editor but it always says the source is user:price-editor.

Thats correct.  You the user entered a value in the price-editor window.

> Can someone provide me the correct sequence to set up items to use the on-line price module or tell me if I'm missing a step?

Instead of step 3, click the "Get Quotes" button in the price editor


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