gnucash-hbci: Online transaction fails

Joerg Sommer joerg at
Sat May 24 11:48:02 CDT 2003

begin  Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> Joerg Sommer <joerg at> writes:
>>  gnucash-hbci 1.8.2-6 works greatly with 1.8.3-1. And, because
>> you forgot the patch, I can use gnucash 1.8.3 and use online banking.
> The fact that it works means you're extremely lucky.  Frankly, I'm
> surprised it does; it shouldn't.  The question is: why doesn't
> gnucash-hbci-1.8.3-1 work for you?  How does it fail?  Is this the

Look upward in thread. But I can tell the new 1.8.3-2 package works and
the new version detects, that my transaction fails. I tested it with
another accounts and it still fails. So maybe there is another bug in
hbci. What can I do?


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