Couple of question regarding loans

Laurent Duperval lduperval at
Thu Oct 23 22:17:17 CDT 2003


I'm trying out the Loan druid for the first time, in order to get a 
better idea of how bad things are. :-)

It works well and it calculates all my payments for my car correctly. 
There are a couple of things I'd like to know:

    * I originally entered my transactions without taking into account
      interest and capital payments. Can I get the Loan druid to work
      backwards and fix this for me?
    * I want to do the same for my house payments. This is a bit
      trickier, although I see the druid allows me to insert stuff like
      escrow payments and other things like that. However, I don't like
      where my account is located in my liabilities tree. When I move
      accounts around (creating new branches and things), will I get
      nasty surprises? Specifically, will all my transactions and
      scheduled transactions update correctly to mirror my account



<Laurent Duperval> lduperval at

Veni, Vedi, Vegi . . . I came,I saw, I had a salad.
            --- Anon

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