Dissappearing splits

paulb at premal.com paulb at premal.com
Fri Sep 19 12:50:00 CDT 2003

Hi Jon,
Maybe this time it will easier to understand.
1. I'm entering total amount for transaction.
2. Selecting to show splits.
3. Selecting account for the split, then entering amount for the split.
4. Clicking on the next line.
5. Entered amount is blanked (not zeroed). I can't see it anymore.
6. etc., etc.

Last night I was working with this for few hours and have discovered that
selecting Account is doing this. What I mean is if I'm entering split
amount without selecting Accounts, amounts stay visible. As soon as I
select Account
amount is gone. First I thought that Account name is "too long" and is
overwriting amount field but after checking account involved in a split I
saw there is no amount there too.
I like GC so much that you can bet I will be trying to find exactly what's
happening tongiht too.

Let me know if I was clear enough this time.

Original Message:
From: Jon Lapham lapham at extracta.com.br
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 08:53:16 -0300
To: paulb at premal.com, gnucash-user at lists.gnucash.org
Subject: Re: Dissappearing splits

Paul B. wrote:
> Does it mean (lack of any response) nobody had this error or I'm not 
> clear enough?

Hey Paul.  I'm not 100% sure what you mean... but I'll take a stab.

> Paul B. wrote:
>> I'm using RH9 and GNUCash 1.8.5.
>> When entering split transaction very often split amounts are gone as 
>> soon as I hit TAB or Enter. If I continue entering and splits are in 
>> balance (even without seeing them) for GC all is OK. When I checked 
>> other accounts involved in a transaction they are not showing amounts 
>> either.

The part I do not understand is the "split amounts are gone as soon as I 
hit TAB or Enter".  You mean that in the *register window* where you are 
entering the split, the values you enter for the split transactions 
disappear?  From the register window?  Are you still "building" the 
split when this happens, or does it only happen when you press Enter to 
save the split?  I've never seen this.

Or, do you mean that the account totals in the *main window* do not 
reflect the new split values you are entering?  This problem I have 
seen.  Since you mention splits and accounts not "showing amounts" so 
maybe you are referring to this... There is a bug register for this problem:


  Jon Lapham  <lapham at extracta.com.br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA     http://www.extracta.com.br/
  Web: http://www.jandr.org/

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