Expense over time legend ordered incorrecty?

Conor O'Neill Conor at puddle.co.uk
Sun Sep 21 22:00:01 CDT 2003

I have just upgraded from GnuCash 1.8.2 to 1.8.5. Running on Mandrake
Linux 9.1.

I use the 'Expense over time' report. (Create this by 'Reports' ->
'Income & Expense' -> 'Expense Barchart').

This shows my major expense categories, listed over time. The biggest
expense is at the bottom of the bar graph. The legend then shows the
major categories, with the biggest at the top. However, you can
double-click on the legend to get a break-down of the detail within that
category. Except that if you double-click, the category it shows you
seems to think that the legends are in the opposite order, biggest at
the bottom. I am fairly sure that this worked in version 1.8.2.

For instance, in my current graph, my 'Mortgage, etc' category is the
biggest expense. So it appears at the bottom of the graphs, but at the
top of the legend. The bottom item on the legend is 'Other'. However, if
I double click on 'Mortage etc', I get a break-down of 'Other', but if I
double-click on 'Other', I get a breakdown of my mortgage

Has this bug been seen before? If not, how should I raise a new bug?

Stop-press: I've just looked through the release notes for V1.8.5, and I
noticed this:
	Re-enable reversed legend in stacked barcharts.
	Needs Guppi 0.40.4 a.k.a. Guppi CVS, though, to actually work.

I'm guessing that this is related! How do I find out what version of
Guppi I am running?

Conor O'Neill, Bristol, UK

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