Problem with charts on report

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 6 17:02:17 EDT 2004

Tales Costa <tales at> writes:

> Hi Derek,
> Thanks again for you answer.
> I tried "rpm -ql gnucash | grep -i guppi" and got:
> /opt/gnome/include/gnucash/gnc-html-guppi.h

That's it?  nothing more?

> I am not sure what you meant by "replace 'gnucash' with each of the
> various gnucash packages ...". The package I got from Suse is
> "gnucash-1.8.5-40.i586.rpm". I tried "rpm -ql gnucash-1.8.5-40 | grep
> -i guppi" and got the same result as above.

  rpm -qa | grep gnucash

this will list "all the various gnucash packages"  Then run the
"rpm -ql <package> | grep -i guppi" for each one.


> regards
> tales costa
>>Tales Costa <tales at> writes:
>>>Hi Derek,
>>>Thanks for you answer.
>>>I am not familiar with Guppi. Is it a requirement for Gnucash ?
>>Guppi is a graphics engine.  You can build gnucash without without
>>it, but then you wont get any graphs.
>>>It seems not to be present on my system. At least it's not on the
>>>dependencies/requirements list for Gnucash on Suse's Yast. And a
>>>search for guppi on Yast also brings no result.
>>I suspect that SuSE includes Guppi inside the gnucash package, as
>>nothing else uses it.
>>>So, would this mean that to use graphics with Gnucash I will need to
>>>install a non-suse build ?
>>Maybe.  I dont know.  I dont use SuSE -- maybe someone else who does
>>can answer the question.  One thing you can try is:
>>   rpm -ql gnucash | grep -i guppi
>>(replace 'gnucash' with each of the various gnucash packages you have
>>See if they ship a libguppi.  If they do, then I don't know what to
>>tell you.
>>>tales costa
>>>>It's possible suse built gnucash without Guppi..
>>>>Tales Costa <tales at> writes:
>>>>>I am having some problems for displaying  pie and bar charts on
>>>>>Reports.  In short, gnucash doesn't display any of the bar-chart or
>>>>>pie-chart graphics on the reports available. Instead display the
>>>>>following messages: "unable to push bar-chart"  and  "unable to
>>>>>display pie-chart".
>>>>>Have searched for reference/answer on the list archives nor bugzilla
>>>>>but haven't found much.  I am using Gnucash 1.8.5 that comes with Suse
>>>>>Maybe someone here can help me on this ?
>>>>>Thank you
>>>>>Tales Costa
>>>>>gnucash-user mailing list
>>>>>gnucash-user at

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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