gnucash VERY slow startup

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 12 14:31:09 EDT 2004

Chris Shenton <chris at Shenton.Org> writes:

> Did you ever get a resolution on your gnucash freebsd slow start?  I'm
> running on a 1.8GHz Dell with 5.2-CURRENT and it takes more like 10-20
> minutes to start.  A truss seems to show *lots* of failed access() and
> open() for various libraries.
> If you never found a fix, I guess I'll do some more trussing and see
> if the FreeBSD and/or GnuCash folks can infer the cause.  It's totally
> unusable as it is :-(

I think this is a FreeBSD (or *BSD) problem, as it's specific to that
platform.  Modern GnuCash works just fine on Linux and Solaris (by my
personal experience), with startup times on the order of 10-60
seconds.  You're welcome to continue searching, and if you find
a solution that I can put into gnucash I'll definitely consider
applying the patch.

I don't know if truss will necessarily help, unless you're sitting
there watching in real time to see WTF it's doing for so long?  It
could be a bug in the runtime linker, or libtool, or ltdl, or even
guile.  But I find it strange that it works just fine on Linux,
Solaris, and MacOSX (older personal experience, but nobody else has
complained about startup time on MacOSX either).

> Thanks.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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