Entering scheduled transactions.

Alpar Juttner Alpar.Juttner at eth.ericsson.se
Mon Apr 26 03:22:17 EDT 2004

Derek Atkins wrote:

>Donald Henson <tcrf at tcrf.com> writes:
>>I've been holding your explanation until I needed it. I need it now but
>>I have a question. When creating an expression for a scheduled
>>transaction, is there any way to access the current balance of the
>>account? For example, (current_balance * 0.1 / 12), to be used to
>>calculate the current interest payment on an account? I'd appreciate any
>No.  Such a feature does not (yet) exist.
I found that e.g. a variable "i" exists and it denotes the sequence 
number of the current occurence. For example using this it is possible 
to set up a scheduled transations for "Sum of digits" deprecation using 
a formula like "1000*(11-i)/55".

Is there anywhere a full list of the existing predefined variables?


>>Don Henson

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