Entering scheduled transactions.

Josh Sled jsled at asynchronous.org
Mon Apr 26 10:40:56 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 03:22, Alpar Juttner wrote:

> I found that e.g. a variable "i" exists and it denotes the sequence 
> number of the current occurence. For example using this it is possible 
> to set up a scheduled transations for "Sum of digits" deprecation using 
> a formula like "1000*(11-i)/55".
> Is there anywhere a full list of the existing predefined variables?

Here's the list:

   * i -- the current sequence number for the scheduled transaction;
     bound at Since-Last-Run time.

That is, in fact, the only one.

The idea was to have a wider set of useful variables and functions in
the space for general use.  Suggestions for what would be useful in that
respect is welcome; code to implement even more so. :)


http://www.asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo ${a}@${b}`
# A: Because it breaks the flow of normal conversation.
# Q: Why don't we put the response before the request?

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