Changing a txn from multicurrency to single currency

Michael Goll michel at
Fri Dec 10 13:10:24 EST 2004


I've noticed an anomaly when I change a multiple currency txn to a single  
currency while using gnucash 1.8.9

When I originally create the txn say for a checking account in EUR and an  
expense account in USD, I get the transfer dialog where I enter the correct  
exchange rate.  If I later decide to change the expense account to one  
denominated in EUR, it accepts the change in account without doing anything  
about recalculating the amount to post.

Worse still, in the ledger the amount appears in the correct currency, but the  
balance for the account is computed using the old amount as if it were in USD  
so the debits and credits don't agree with the balance column.  Looking at the  
xac file it appears that there is no change in the txn split price or quantity  
fields.  Further it's looking like the balance and debit/credit fields might  
have different sources.

I have both U.S. ande Euro accounts and in the past I got handled  
multicurrency by having duplicate expense sub accounts, e.g. Allowance-USD and  
ALLowance-EUR under an account Allowance, but this has led to an explosion of  
accounts so I wanted to try using the built in multicurrency support.

Is the multicurrency behavior working as intended?  It would seem to me that  
it should at least offer a warning if it's not possible to recalculate the txn  
split price and quantity fields.

Many thanks.


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