Set up two different bank accounts

Norman de Groot ndegroot at
Thu Feb 26 12:35:35 CST 2004

I have two separate bank checking accounts.  The gnucash tutorial 
tells me how to set up a set of top level accounts: income, expense, 
assets, etc., without naming the overall bank account.

When I import the transaction data in qif format, I'm asked for the 
"account name".  If I answer, for example, bank xyz, the data is 
imported and I see an "unspecified" account and the "bank xyz" top 
level accounts, and all the other top level accounts.  I can then 
change the "unspecified" category to one of the other top level 
categories, e.g., income, expense, etc.

I would have expected to set up a named account ("bank xyz") and a 
number of subaccounts, (income, expense, etc.) but gnucash won't let 
me do that.

Then how can I set up for a different bank account (bank abc)?  I 
can't set up a new set of top level accounts that applies to bank abc 
since they are allready specified for bank xyz.

Surely there must be a way to have any number of named accounts, each 
with corresponding subaccounts.

What am I doing wrong or misunderstanding?


Norman de Groot
Mendocino CA
ndegroot at

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