New to SQL

Perry Smith pedz at
Tue Jul 13 11:11:12 EDT 2004


I am new to gnucash as well as postgres.  I have both installed and 
working.  I'm on a Mac and I'm using fink.  I downloaded binaries first 
for gnucash.  For postgres, I downloaded the source and compiled it.

I'm stepping through the SQL howto that is pointed to from the gnucash 
home page.  I'm trying to do my first save.  The instructions say to 
save.  In short, open gnucase, click "Save As" and put in 
"postgres://localhost/dbname"  (my dbname is tempdb).  I have 
postmaster running, etc.

I get a dialog box titled Error with the message Can't parse the URL 

On the xterm where I started gnucash I get these messages:

** WARNING **: Failed to open module gnucash/backend/postgres

** WARNING **: : could not locate gnucash/backend/postgres interface v.0

Warning: gnc_session_int_backend_lo...():  failed to load 'postgres' 

I assume this is because the gnucash precompiled with fink does not 
have "--enable-sql" as the previous part of building gnucash mentions.

O.k.  So I go to Fink and I am stuck.  I told it to pull down the 
source and it did but now I have tar'ed up compressed files.  I said 
"build" and it did nothing.  I said "rebuild" (I'm using Fink Commander 
and gnucash is selected) and it cranked for hours but after it was 
done, I still just had a bunch of tar balls.  It would untar, patch, 
compile, install, and then delete everything.

So, I could probably look at the log file and recreate the proper steps 
but I'm wondering if that is really the way I should do it or if there 
is an easier way.  I may need to post this question on the fink board 
but I came here first just to confirm that the message above implies 
that I do not have a version of gnucash that was configured with sql 

The system specifics (if it matters): Mac OSX 10.3.4.  Latest 
development tools, latest fink, gnucash is at 1.8.8.

Also, while I have everyones attention.  The SQL page I'm looking at 
(from gnucash) says that the SQL is not used much, has had little 
development recently, etc.  Is that still true?  Is it somewhat dormant 
at this point?

Thank you,
Perry Smith

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