scheduled transactions make bad transactions with 1.8.9 ?

Olivier Kaloudoff kalou at
Tue Jun 22 04:39:16 EDT 2004


	I'm using the latest gnucash on os x (via fink), and experienced
the following problem today:

- 2 scheduled transactions were created at launch.
- The "Balance" field broke on all transactions after theses transactions.
- the following message appeared (many times) on the command line:

"Warning: PrintAmountInternal: Bad numeric."

	browsing the web, I found that it's probably related to the
"scheduled transaction makes a bad transaction" bug:

	Unfortunatelly, I'm unable to find this bug description at
bugs.gnucash ...

	Can you tell me where if I should fill out a new bug report,
or if I should add my report to an existing bug report. If so, which 
one ?

Best Regards,

Olivier Kaloudoff
LUG Linux Azur

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