More digit in currency

Linas Vepstas linas at
Fri Jun 25 00:27:16 EDT 2004

On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 07:27:32PM -0400, Derek Atkins was heard to remark:
> "Riki Kurniawan" <riki at> writes:
> > I don't think that you guys understand my problem, basicly I just

I tried reproducing in the ledger, and found that I could enter ten
trillion without any problems.  Well -- OK, one problem.  The number was
so large that I had to change column sizes to see all of it.  But column
resizing is broken.  If one resizes the register window first, and then 
tries to resize the columns, they refuse to get smaller, hey only get 
larger.  If you don't resize the window, then column resize works fine.

> > Price column of the Edit Invoice form (in menu Business|Customer|New
> > Invoice) 

Ah ha!   I tried this in cvs head, and tried to create the most minimal
customer and invoice possible, and got a hard crash ... 

/usr/bin/guile: relocation error:
/opt/gnucash/lib/gnucash/ undefined symbol:

> Interesting.  It looks like yet another bug in the gnc_numeric math.

I'm guessing its probably in the flags that are being specified
(i.e. the rounding mode, etc.)  The flags are poorly documented and
have bizarre side effects sometimes ... Although ... price ... hmm.
prices involve multiplication ... and overflow problems is why I wrote
the 128-bit math lib ... 

> Thank you for pointing this out.

Yes.  Riki, please be aware that sometimes some problems are very
'narrow' and thus not obvious how to reproduce, unless one takes exactly
the same steps.

> No need.  You've already provided enough information for me to
> reproduce the problem here.  Linas, can you reproduce it there?  Or
> have you never played with the business features at all.

Did you reproduce in 1.8.9 or in cvs head?  Does it repro in head,
or did the 128-bit lib make use lucky?


pub  1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) <linas at>
PGP Key fingerprint = 8305 2521 6000 0B5E 8984  3F54 64A9 9A82 0104 5933

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