Account Set-up

gh gh1000 at
Mon Mar 1 11:36:53 CST 2004

On Sunday 29 February 2004 19:09, Alan H. Lake wrote:
> In the set-up for my church's books, I have an account
> structure that looks something like this:
> Income
>     Contributions
>         Chang
>         Jones
>         Smith
>         Walters
> Assets
>     Current Assets
>         Checking Account
>             Building Fund
>             General Fund
>             Music
> and so forth.
> It's obvious how one would use this structure to take a
> contribution and transfer it to one or more funds.  The
> problem comes when I wish to balance the checking account
> statement from the bank.
> On the Income side, I need to accumulate all of the
> contributions from each collection so that I can see each
> deposit amount before putting in into the different funds in
> the checking account.
> On the expenditure side, the money needs to be maintained in
> the separate funds in the checking account, but I need to have
> a register for the whole checking account so I can find (and
> clear) a given check.
> How should I revise this structure to accomplish those goals? 
> Any help would be appreciated.

I think the structure is fine as is (with expense accounts for 
each fund).
You can choose to reconcile your checking account with the 
"include subaccounts" option. (Actions -->Reconcile Account).
Hope that helps.


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