What to use for Red Hat Enterprise Server 3 ES?

Robert Heller heller at deepsoft.com
Tue Mar 2 06:58:02 CST 2004

  Jean-David Beyer <jdbeyer at exit109.com>,
  In a message on Mon, 01 Mar 2004 14:43:41 -0500, wrote :

JB> I was surprised that no version of GnuCash was on RHES3 ES distribution 
JB> (unless I missed it). I tried to install GnuCash from RHL 9, but it had 
JB> all manner of dependency problems.

You *may* have to install various dependent RPMs.  Also, try installing
the GnuCash RPMS for RH 7.x.

JB> Is there a "right way" to get GnuCash into that machine?
JB> I went here: http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/ and they talk about 
JB> redhat-[56789].x and stuff. I suppose redhat9.x is not the way to go.

Please post the list of deps (do a rpm -hiv --test gnucash-1.8.8*.i386.rpm).

JB> Do I go here: http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/stable/ and 
JB> pick the highest one (gnucash-1.8.8.tar.gz) and build from source?
JB> What else will I need to download and build to get it all working?

Probably a batch of additional RPMs.  http://rpmfind.net/ is your friend.

Question:  why are you installing this on a *server*?  Or maybe the
question is, why have you installed a *server* distro on your

JB> -- 
JB>    .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
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Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   heller at cs.umass.edu
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