Bi-Weekly Scheduled transactions -- bad news...

Josh Sled jsled at
Tue Mar 2 16:14:14 CST 2004

On Sun, 2004-02-15 at 13:07, Robert Heller wrote:

> Yes.  I clicked on 'File Bug Report' and bug-buddy created one.  I had
> to futz with the bug-buddy Bug Report and I believe I cc'ed the report
> to you.

Ooh ... do you know the bug number?  I'm going to try to consolidate all
these editing-related-crashing bugs together...

> It seems that something in the scheduled transaction editor is in
> trouble.  The problem only appeared when I put in Bi-Weekly scheduled
> transactions and seems to have gone away when I deleted the Bi-Weekly
> scheduled transactions.

It seems there are multiple bugs related specifically to editing and
more specifically to changing the frequency.  I'm almost positive it's
all the same issue of memory-corruption; the task now is to track down
in which module the corruption lies. :/

Is it solidly reproducable for you with a specific data file or sequence
of steps? If so, and you're willing to send it to me in private
correspondance, I should be able to move a bit quicker on the issue. 
I've been able to reproduce it, but only [very] intermittently. :(


-- - `a=jsled;; echo
# A: Because it breaks the flow of normal conversation.
# Q: Why don't we put the response before the request?

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