Start-up Problem

John Reynolds gnucash at
Thu Mar 4 18:12:51 CST 2004

------Original Message-----
From: Michael Kjorling <michael at>
Sent: Thursday 04 March 2004 05:49 pm
To: johnb51 at
Cc: GnuCash User <gnucash-user at>
Subject: Re: Start-up Problem

>On Mar 4 2004, johnb51 at wrote:
>> When starting gnu-cash 1.8.6 a window comes up asking "gnu-cash cannot
>>   obtain the lock for (long list of file #,s)log.xac. The database may
>> be in use by another user, in which case you should not open the
>> database. What would you like to do?" How do we correct this since it
>> is a single user account?
>If you are certain that no other GnuCash session is running and accessing
> the files, I would say go ahead and tell it to open the database anyway.
> The lock *should* then clear up when you exit.
>I encountered this message after the computer rebooted while GnuCash was
>running, due to a power failure (circuit breakers tripped).


Michael is correct in his advice. This .lck file should clear (be deleted) by 
GnuCash when it exits properly. If for some reason GnuCash exited improperly 
(crashed; as Michael describes), then this .lck file will remain and you will 
get the message that you did when you next start up. 

John R
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