Anybody can help me with that error message?

David Hampton hampton at
Sun Mar 21 02:19:51 EST 2004

On Sat, 2004-03-20 at 11:38, Wolfgang Balster wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 19 February 2004 15:39, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > Gnucash doesn't work with slib3;  You need slib-2d6 (or some other
> > version of slib2).
> This is a NEWBIE question: How do I do this? Synaptic shows only the newer 
> slib3. apt-get install slib2 does not find slib2. Slib 2 is part of stable 
> and testing. I have unstable as preference. Do I have to remove slib3 and 
> mark testing or stable as my preference and install slib2? What happens to 
> other packages depending on slib3, if there are any. Can I have both slib2 
> and slib 3 installed??
> Thank you very much!

The following worked for me:

1) wget

2) dpkg -i slib_2d4-2_all.deb

3) add the following to /etc/apt/preferences

	Package: slib
	Pin: version 2d4-2
	Pin-Priority: 1001

This will prevent apt from trying to update the slib package until the
problem has been fixed.

You may also want to consider installing the package apt-listbugs.  It
will warn you if there are any outstanding bugs against a package that
is about to be installed and give you a chance to cancel the upgrade.


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