Almost duplicate transactions
davehall at
Thu Mar 11 08:09:42 CST 2004
Derek Atkins wrote:
> Chris Roat <croat at SLAC.Stanford.EDU> writes:
>>>So you have a single QIF file two multiple accounts but the
>>>transactions don't match up internally? This sounds like a problem
>>>with whatever created the QIF file. The importer can't match that
>>>together if the QIF file itself doesn't map them together.
>>Oh. That's what I thought the duplicate transaction finding was
>>all about.
> Nope, the duplicate detection is about match transactions in the
> qif file to transactions already in the gnucash data file.
>>>You might be better off loading the accounts as separate QIFs --
>>>either in one process or two -- I'm not sure.
>>It doesn't work properly either way (though I do finally get the
>>duplicate transaction window). Question then: in the QIF
>>standard what should be different to map these transactions
> Ahh, the problem here is that you're mapping them to payees and not
> to QIF Accounts. Change the P... to L[other-acct] and it will do the
> right thing.
> Basically, you can't map a Payee to an asset account.
>>In my checking account QIF:
>>In my savings account QIF:
> Change the "PTRANSFER IN" to "L[savings]" and "PTRANSFER OUT" to
> "L[checking]" and then you can map the qif-accounts to each other.
(Please pardon if duplicate post.)
I've just reviewed this entire thread. The bottom line seems to be that
there is some sort of difficulty with recognizing asset->asset transfers
when importing QIF or OFX files.
I'm in about the same boat as Chris R. - I'm trying to use GnuCash to
track my cash flow month to month. In my case I would like to import
OFX files for about 8 asset files and have the transfers between them
all matched up. Not suprisingly I am also having the same symptoms as
As I'm just getting started on this I've been letting GnuCash set up my
accounts as I import each OFX file. Is it possible that I need to
choose a different account type when creating the accounts? (The
default seems to be 'Bank'.)
If necessary and possible I would even write a script to pre-process my
OFX files to get the transfers to work. Can you suggest any
documentation or resources in this respect.
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