crash on TXF export

Benji Fisher benji at
Sun May 16 10:50:12 EDT 2004

On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 02:29:33PM -0400, Benji Fisher wrote:
>      I am a complete newbie to GnuCash.  I am trying to decide if it is
> possible to move from Quicken (on MacOS X) to GnuCash (on Linux).
>      I tried to create a TXF file for last year.  I could generate the
> report as HTML, but when I chose the TXF radio button and tried to
> create the report, GnuCash died instantly.  Is this a known problem, or
> am I doing something strange?
> GnuCash 1.8.1 on Red Hat 9
> same result after upgrading to GnuCash 1.8.1.
> 					--Benji Fisher

     Because of a glitch in the mailing list, I never saw the reply
until I checked the archives.  Because of a glitch closer to home ;) I
wrote something silly above:  I meant to say that I saw the same result
after upgrading to 1.8.8 (the latest version for which I could find an
RPM for Red Hat 9).

> You do realize that you can install gnucash on macosx, right?

     Yes, but I would rather get it running on my Linux system.

> Upgrade to 1.8.9 and try again.

     I'll try this, even though it is just a single point upgrade, not
the 8 upgrades that my initial post suggested ... (download; tar xz;
./configure; make; make check; sudo make install;
/usr/local/bin/gnucash; check Help->About to make sure that I am using
the newly compiled version; Report->Tax Report; Export button, choose
TXF format, choose a file name for the export; click on the OK button ...)

     Same result:  instant crash.  One difference is that I started from
the command line, instead of the GNOME menu, so I can report an error
message.  See below.

					--Benji Fisher

[benji at localhost gnucash-1.8.9]$ /usr/local/bin/gnucash
In unknown file:
   ?:  0* [#<procedure #f #> # txf /home/benji/temp/Quicken/May04.txf]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:
 823:  1* [generate-tax-or-txf Taxable Income / Deductible Expenses ...]
In unknown file:
   ?:  2  (letrec (# #) (gnc:report-starting reportname) (let* # #))
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:
 729:  3  (let* (# # #) (gnc:display-report-list-item output-txf port ...) ...)
 731:  4* [map #<procedure #f (x)> (# # # # ...)]
In unknown file:
   ?:  5  (if (null? rest) (map1 f list1) ...)
   ?:  6  (begin (set-cdr! p (list (f #))) (lp (cdr ls) (cdr p)))
   ?:  7* [set-cdr! (("" "")) ...
   ?:  8*  [list ...
   ?:  9*   [#<procedure #f (x)> #<gw:wcp <gnc:Account*> 0x82e5808>]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:
 731: 10    [handle-level-x-account 1 #<gw:wcp <gnc:Account*> 0x82e5808>]
 677: 11    (let (#) (if # #) (if # #) ...)
 678: 12*   (if tax-mode? (render-level-x-account table level ...) ...)
 683: 13    [list ...
 684: 14*    (if # # #)
 685: 15     [render-txf-account # # #f ...]
 280: 16     (let* (# # # # ...) (list # crlf # ...))
 297: 17*    (if (eq? type #) (case # # #) Expense)
 298: 18     (case (string->symbol code) ((N286 N488) ReinvD) (else Income))
 298: 19*    [string->symbol N460]
/usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:298:34: In procedure string->symbol in expression (string->symbol code):
/usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:298:34: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting STRINGP): N460

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