windoze version?

Jon Lapham lapham at
Sun Nov 21 13:32:47 EST 2004

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Also, the docs at this URL do not cover all the questions 
> touched at the Wiki at

What a freaking nightmare.  This wiki deals stuff that exists in files 
in the distribution, on the web pages, in the documentation, and even 
suggest posting bugs!  In HOW MANY places do we have information on "How 
can I help out?"

Last item here:

First question here:

The web site covers this as well:

I think the *idea* of the wiki is well intentioned, but the reality is 
that it creates Yet Another Set of Documents that are incomplete, not 
kept up to date, and riddled with incorrect information [1].

We need LESS documentation mechanisms, not more.

[1] yes, I know that the Concepts Guide is also not complete, not up to 
date, and is riddled with incorrect information.

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>                Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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