GC 1.8.9 dies on .txf export

Sergey Okhapkin sos at sokhapkin.dyndns.org
Thu Sep 9 18:23:44 EDT 2004

Any ideas why that could happen?

In unknown file:
   ?: 15* [set-cdr! ((("" "") (#))) ...
   ?: 16*  [list ...
   ?: 17*   [#<procedure #f (x)> #<gw:wcp <gnc:Account*> 0x826ed00>]
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:
 643: 18    (if (>= max-level #) (handle-level-x-account # x) (quote
 623: 19    (let* (# # # ...) (set! account-balance #) ...)
 627: 20*   (if (not children) (let (#) (if splits-period # ...)) ...)
 642: 21    [map #<procedure #f (x)> (#<gw:wcp <gnc:Account*>
In unknown file:
   ?: 22    (let ((ret (list #))) (letrec ((lp #)) (lp (cdr ls) ret)))
   ?: 23*   [list ...
   ?: 24*    [#<procedure #f (x)> #<gw:wcp <gnc:Account*> 0x82a5b70>]
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:
 643: 25     (if (>= max-level #) (handle-level-x-account # x) (quote
 677: 26     (let (#) (if # #) (if # #) ...)
 678: 27*    (if tax-mode? (render-level-x-account table level ...) ...)
 683: 28     [list ...
 684: 29*     (if # # #)
 685: 30      [render-txf-account # # #f ...]
 280: 31      (let* (# # # # ...) (list # crlf # ...))
 297: 32*     (if (eq? type #) (case # # #) "Expense")
 298: 33      (case (string->symbol code) ((N286 N488) "ReinvD") (else
"Income") )
 298: 34*     [string->symbol N460]

/usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:298:34: In
procedure string->symbol in expression (string->symbol code):
/usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/taxtxf.scm:298:34: Wrong
type ar gument in position 1 (expecting STRINGP): N460

Sergey Okhapkin
Somerset, NJ

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