Printing Invoices

Dominic Amann dominic at
Thu Sep 16 08:50:25 EDT 2004

I am trying to use Gnucash in my small business (I have been using 
Quickbooks Pro, the only program to require a Windows boot in my office).

I am doing ok so far, but there are several useability quirks.

1. I do not seem to be able to save "Options" under print invoice (such 
as no tax in each row, print all applicable taxes in the totals), so 
each time I print an invoice, I have to manually select a template, tell 
it not to print taxes and discounts in each row, and to print all 
applicable taxes in the summary.

2. The MDI/new window settings don't seem to make a difference. when 
doing invoices, I still end up with a stack of windows all over my screen.

3. The documentation for the pre-made invoice forms is pretty thin, and 
apparently somewhat out of date. I am struggling with the scheme to 
re-organize things.

4. When printing, the page seems to break at the least provocation, 
putting as little as one line on the second sheet when there is plenty 
of border remaining.

5. The export to pdf produces an unuseable file. Printing to postscript 
and using ps2pdf from the console works great.

6. I mostly work in canadian dollars, I do not want my currency 
displayed for every amount item. I have discovered that if I blank the 
customer currency field, it deals with most of it, but I still get "CAD" 
in front of the GST or PST amounts calculated in the summary. Perhaps 
there should be a single flag allowing the default currency to be 
ommited from amounts?

If these things are considered bugs, do I post them here? Is there a 

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