A response from the trenches (was Re: giving up on gnucash)

Richard Mancusi vrman49 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 22:10:20 EDT 2005

On 4/23/05, Derek Atkins <warlord at mit.edu> wrote:

> Previously in this thread someone talked about tone of comments and
> how the tone of the request affects those of us close to the project.
> What harm can a harsh comment make?
> Well, it's certainly no way to motivate me.  I'm actually more
> motivated by a cry for help than a "you suck and here's why!" or even
> a "I'm leaving you and here's why."  I'd rather someone say "hey,
> thanks for the hard work, but, how can I get gnucash to do ___."  The
> former two makes me feel unappreciated.  Think about it from my side
> -- what do I get out of my work on Gnucash?  The only thing I get out
> of it is appreciation.  When you take that away (like you did starting
> this thread) it's an EXTREME demotivator.

> -derek
Thank you - your hard work is sincerely appreciated.
My wife has finally joined me in the Linux community
and moving from Money is her last step.  So far she
has had ZERO problems moving 5 years of data and
seems to be very satisfied.  She also uses Peachtree
at work - so she is not new to accounting.  I hope she
decides to stick with Gnucash and is welcomed to the
list.  This thread has also been a demotivator for us.

Hang in there and try to stay motivated.  Your work
is important to MANY of us.


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