Stock Value Report....Where is it?

Beth Leonard beth at
Sun Apr 24 05:26:03 EDT 2005

On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 07:40:20PM -0700, Dj wrote:
> But as soon as I moved to the next section (8.5.5)
> Making Stock Value Reports I could not figure out
> where I could find this option. I am using gnucash
> 1.8.11 on Fedora Core 3. gnucash was installed from
> the Fedora update servers

I believe the report you are looking for is:
Reports -> Assets & Liabilities -> Asset Barchart

If you set up your accounts as they did in the example,
you will need to change the options for the report,
under the "Accounts" tab you will need to change it
to "Show Accounts until level [5]" so that it will
display the stocks.

Other pitfalls I've hit: If you bought the stocks a long
time ago and tried to enter the initial date in 4
digit year format (i.e. 1998 vs 98), double check that
the '98' was recorded, not '19'.  If gnucash thought you
bought the stock in the future (2019), it won't show up in 
the report.

If you do not yet have much history in the price editor of
the prices, you'll want to use "nearest in time" as the 
Price Source in the General tab of the options for that
report, otherwise the bars won't look right.

Let me know if this works for you or you have any other
problems with it.

+                             Beth Leonard                          +
+       O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave              +
+       O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?        +

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